Our blog is for friends and family who we aren't able to see as often as we would like. Now you can see how fast Olivia is growing, even though we can't be near. We love you all!
Some of Olivia's Great-Grandparents!
Great Grandpa Keller came to visit! I think Olivia loved sitting on his lap. Hopefully we will see you soon Grandpa!
Here we are visiting with Daddy's grandma... Great Grandma Hendrix. Grandma, you are much loved!
Olivia's vocabulary is growing daily it seems! Among some of her most used words are: light, squirrel (which sounds more like "earl"), baby, dadda, momma, ball, balloon, cat, wow, Leah ("Lala"), Sophie ("Zoh!") and Zuzu. It's a hoot to hear her try new words as she discovers new sounds and how to make them. We have a jabberbox in the family! 3/30/10
Another milestone that I had forgotten would come... climbing. Our little girl has discovered the thrill of climbing whatever she can find that is higher up than the floor. We have moved to a whole new level of "babyproofing" as I now am trying to keep her off of the kitchen chairs, glider and ottoman. Next it will be the couch and bookshelves! 2/24/10
Walking here we come! On November 6th, Olivia took her first steps. She still prefers crawling, since she can get around faster, but she practices walking everyday. I'm sure it won't be long before she is cruising around on two legs.
Now at 9 months, she has 5 teeth, is an avid crawler, walks along while holding onto furniture and is quite the talker! She loves to "people watch" and is becomming quite the little ham. It's funny to see little bits of Marcus and my personalities in her, and yet even more of her own. 9/18/09
More and more she is becomming her own little person. I love to watch her play with her feet and scream just because she can! It seems like she's always smiling and I'm thankful she's such a happy baby. 5/19/09
She talks a lot now by cooing, squealing and sighing. Her favorite way to communicate however, is by grunting! 1/18/09
She smiled her first real smile at 4 weeks. See picture below :) 12/28/09
Grandpa Jeff caught Olivia's first big smile on camera!
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