
Olivia and I went to a women's retreat in Winthrop with our old church last weekend. It was a lot of fun, but we were sure glad to get back home to see Daddy. Here we are having some free time together. The Methow Valley Ranch (where we stayed) is beautiful, with a creek that runs through the property, several cute houses, farm and wild animals and a gorgeous view! Too bad it isn't just a little closer to home.

Yes, I just about let her eat a leaf because the picture opportunity was perfect. Anyway, I'm sure she has eaten worse things. ;)

This was one of my favorite spots to come in previous years. The creek is so peaceful and I even had two deer come within feet of where I was sitting once (so, I happened to be sitting in the middle of the deer path... go figure!). I didn't have much time to sit, read and pray in my spot this year though. At least Olivia and I were able to get a picture of it, if nothing else.

This is Anna and Mallory. Mallory watched Olivia many times over the weekend with another helper, while we had sessions and small group time. There were 5 babies who came to the retreat. I'm convinced that God will reward them greatly in heaven for their patience!

This is pretty much the whole group of ladies who spent the weekend together. We weren't lacking in girl time, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. I love all of these pictures, Lace - beautiful! Even I can't believe how fast Olivia is growing and changing - and I almost see her every week! I love the photo of you and Olivia smiling by the water; she is her mama's daughter, that's for sure! Good updating! Love you!
