
Some of Olivia's Great-Grandparents!

Great Grandpa Keller came to visit! I think Olivia loved sitting on his lap. Hopefully we will see you soon Grandpa!

Here we are visiting with Daddy's grandma... Great Grandma Hendrix. Grandma, you are much loved!


Olivia and I went to a women's retreat in Winthrop with our old church last weekend. It was a lot of fun, but we were sure glad to get back home to see Daddy. Here we are having some free time together. The Methow Valley Ranch (where we stayed) is beautiful, with a creek that runs through the property, several cute houses, farm and wild animals and a gorgeous view! Too bad it isn't just a little closer to home.

Yes, I just about let her eat a leaf because the picture opportunity was perfect. Anyway, I'm sure she has eaten worse things. ;)

This was one of my favorite spots to come in previous years. The creek is so peaceful and I even had two deer come within feet of where I was sitting once (so, I happened to be sitting in the middle of the deer path... go figure!). I didn't have much time to sit, read and pray in my spot this year though. At least Olivia and I were able to get a picture of it, if nothing else.

This is Anna and Mallory. Mallory watched Olivia many times over the weekend with another helper, while we had sessions and small group time. There were 5 babies who came to the retreat. I'm convinced that God will reward them greatly in heaven for their patience!

This is pretty much the whole group of ladies who spent the weekend together. We weren't lacking in girl time, that's for sure!

These are just some random pictures of Olivia. She is 9 months old in these photos.

I love this one. It's a rare thing for her to fall asleep in my arms anymore, so it's nice to have it documented!

How can Daddy resist this sweet little face?

We look like we're planning something mischevious.... ;)


Hi everyone,

As embarrassing as this is, I actually forgot that I have a blog! I guess this summer has been a little crazy for us. So, I will give a little update on the last couple of months. Olivia got her first tooth around 7 1/2 months old and since then they have been coming one right after another. She now is working on her 6th tooth! In my opinion, she is handling the teething fiasco quite well. :)

About a month after her first tooth came in, she started crawling and hasn't stopped. I have a feeling she takes after her daddy in this way. Apparently he was quite the busy troublemaker when he was a baby. I think I'm going to have my hands full.... oh wait, I already do!

Our lives have been good. Marcus is working the evening shift at the machine shop where he works. It was an adjustment for us, falling into a new routine, but we are all really liking the change (especially since he has Friday, Saturday and Sunday off work!).
We also recently started going to a new church, Hillcrest Christian Fellowship. It is the church Marcus sort of grew up in and his grandma and aunt still attend. It seems like a really good fit for us right now and I think great-grandma is enjoying seeing Olivia so often.

I feel like I am writing a Christmas update letter. Well, I'll stop here. Now, off to post more photos of the baby. We love you all!


She's daddy's girl!

It's never too late to start practicing! She had a blast helping daddy out with the drums on Rockband.

This picture is a little older, but I love the way she's kicking back and enjoying while dad plays the guitar. I think she could sit there and listen to him forever.

What can I say about this one? We have another gamer in the family. ;)

She's so peaceful on daddy's lap.

Olivia and family

Can you believe how big she's getting? Our little girl is already 8 months old and ready to be on the move. She hasn't gotten the hang of crawling yet, but she does a lot of scooting and twisting which usually ends up getting her around somewhat. Before long she will be making her way around the house with me on her heels trying to keep her out of trouble!

This is one of the few photos I was able to get while all three of the girls were sitting still long enough to take a picture. It looks like Olivia is invading Sophie's space here. :)

We sure love it when Aunt Jessie comes to visit! She brought Javi with her this day so it was particularly exciting!

Grandpa Jeff stopped by on his way home from work one day. Olivia loves grabbing his face! Isn't Grandpa lucky to have SO many girls?


Extra pics

This is Olivia's first trip to the "beach", which was actually the river bank. She loved it! We went with Jess, her roommate and roommate's mom along with their 5 dogs! It was a little crazy and we brought home a little more sand than we would've liked, but at least Aunt Jessie got this picture with her cell phone so we could document this first experience! Thanks Jess!

Playing with her BIG cousins!

Just hanging out

I love this one... I think she is the happiest when she's just in her diaper.

Tulip festival

We went to check out the tulips with Katie and the girls during the Tulip Festival. Since we went during the week it was actually quite relaxing and fun. There was practically no one else around! We only went to one farm but drove by some of the fields of tulips. I sometimes forget that amazing beauty is just minutes away from our house. I'm so thankful that my family gets to experience this part of God's beautiful creation firsthand!

This one was taken from Katie's car window. Actually turned out pretty good!

So this was me, trying to get a picture of us with chickens in the background. It didn't really work out, but they are there.... really.


more pictures!

Here are more pictures of Olivia. These are her at about 5 months old (within the last month).

On Easter Sunday... what a fun day! We had lunch at dad and mom's and loved watching the girls hunt for those eggs! I can't wait to see Olivia participate next year!

She agreed to be a model for me and show off the car seat covers I like to make. Ok, so she didn't have much say about it, but it looks like she doesn't mind. :)

We are just about ready to introduce solid foods, so we thought it'd be fun to practice sitting in her high-chair. We don't have a lack of straps, that's for sure!

Loving her new chair!


Much needed update!

Oh so happy in great-grandma's arms!

Not so happy in great-grandpa's!

That's much better!


Daddy's little girl

It's so nice to snuggle together!

The coziest place in the world is right on Daddy's chest

even this is apparently comfortable!

tummy time for two

warming up after her first bath...
...while Daddy plays video games