
She's daddy's girl!

It's never too late to start practicing! She had a blast helping daddy out with the drums on Rockband.

This picture is a little older, but I love the way she's kicking back and enjoying while dad plays the guitar. I think she could sit there and listen to him forever.

What can I say about this one? We have another gamer in the family. ;)

She's so peaceful on daddy's lap.

Olivia and family

Can you believe how big she's getting? Our little girl is already 8 months old and ready to be on the move. She hasn't gotten the hang of crawling yet, but she does a lot of scooting and twisting which usually ends up getting her around somewhat. Before long she will be making her way around the house with me on her heels trying to keep her out of trouble!

This is one of the few photos I was able to get while all three of the girls were sitting still long enough to take a picture. It looks like Olivia is invading Sophie's space here. :)

We sure love it when Aunt Jessie comes to visit! She brought Javi with her this day so it was particularly exciting!

Grandpa Jeff stopped by on his way home from work one day. Olivia loves grabbing his face! Isn't Grandpa lucky to have SO many girls?