
Extra pics

This is Olivia's first trip to the "beach", which was actually the river bank. She loved it! We went with Jess, her roommate and roommate's mom along with their 5 dogs! It was a little crazy and we brought home a little more sand than we would've liked, but at least Aunt Jessie got this picture with her cell phone so we could document this first experience! Thanks Jess!

Playing with her BIG cousins!

Just hanging out

I love this one... I think she is the happiest when she's just in her diaper.

Tulip festival

We went to check out the tulips with Katie and the girls during the Tulip Festival. Since we went during the week it was actually quite relaxing and fun. There was practically no one else around! We only went to one farm but drove by some of the fields of tulips. I sometimes forget that amazing beauty is just minutes away from our house. I'm so thankful that my family gets to experience this part of God's beautiful creation firsthand!

This one was taken from Katie's car window. Actually turned out pretty good!

So this was me, trying to get a picture of us with chickens in the background. It didn't really work out, but they are there.... really.